Monday, March 9, 2009

We moved out of Cato this weekend, which was really sad. I'm sure I'll go back to visit at least a couple more times before I leave South Africa, but still sad not to live there. We had a big party friday night, with lots of traditional African food, and all the mamas dressed up. Saturday, I said goodbye to all the kids, which was the hardest. When I came down to say goodbye, all the little kids scream umlungu, because they can never remember american names (they have also taken to calling me umude, which means tall, because I'm the tallest of the white girls). One of my favorite girls, Mascuto, yelled at them, and told them I wasn't umlungu, I was umuntu. Umuntu is just a person, usually a black person. So, apparently I'm moving up in the world. I was pretty happy about that.

We are leaving for our last rural adventure today, and then we'll be in Durban for the remainder of March. And then I have no idea where I'm going...

We spent this weekend in Durban, at a backpacker's called Gibela. It was really fantastic and relaxing. A whole bunch of the girls wanted to go out clubbing with some sketchy Afrikaaner boys, so six of us decided not to and just hung out for the weekend. Which turned out to be a good decision, because the rest of them got mugged at knifepoint. Funny thing, apparently getting drunk and wandering the streets of Durban in the dark is a bad plan...

We went to a couple flee markets, which is kind of bad, because everything is really cool, really incredibly cheap, and there is a lot of artwork depicting elephants. And, its fair trade and supports local artists. If you know me at all, you will realize why this is a problem. Anyway, roommates and family, I appologize that African artwork will soon be taking over our house and apartment. Yesterday, we went to the Durban botanical gardens, which is the oldest garden in Africa (and by that, we of course mean the oldest garden made by white people), which was beautful. Last night we went to see Slumdog millionaire, which totally deserved all the awards it got, and then went out for ice cream. All for under $5, including the cab ride home. For all of you in America lamenting the economy, never fear, the South African economy is doing far worse, so the exchange rates get better by the week. We also cooked a lot of pasta and other such American food, which tasted fantastic after 6 weeks of African curry and rice. So all in all, a pretty good weekend.


  1. Umuntu!!! YAY!!!! If you come back being able to sing like Etta James or Audra MacDonald I'm gonna be SOO jealous! But way to go on being a person :-)

    That market sounds FABULOUS! (Please don't forget to bring me, earthy, dirt)

    Love you! GTG back to ecology class....

  2. I'm excited that you are an umuntu! Way to go, Kara, I knew you had it in you! Also props on representing all the tall white girls of the world. That must be tough to leave the children! They were so cute. I'm very glad you decided to stay in, and in doing so, stayed safe. That must have been frightening and yet not entirely unexpected when you go clubbing with sketchy Afrikaaner boys. You've got a very good head on your shoulders, Kara-girl.

    I'm also imagining our apartment next year. The common room will be filled with various elephant African art of every color, punctuated frequently by El Salvadorian art. I'm just seeing lots of orange. And you in your all-orange outfit, hanging out, disappearing on the couch like a jaguar in the jungle. Maybe that was an over-lengthy description. I like the image. I can contribute some of the African art Aunt Dorothy has given me. Or maybe I'll bring back a few things from Europa.

    Talk to you soon!

  3. KARA!!

    i miss you!!!!!! i still can't believe we are both in the same country. dude. so cool.

    it is so good to keep hearing from you!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Katie! I have not forgotten your request for dirt. Dirt comes in some crazy shades of red and orange here, so be excited. Approximately how much dirt would you like?

    And Kate- haha, I totally bought a huge painting of some elephants in front of a really bright orange sunset. I imagine our common room looking something like that too... it makes me rather happy. however, I feel as though our bedroom might be even crazier. apparently we have to pick ours during the housing lottery now? pick a good one!

  5. Kare bear, so glad to hear that you are making smart choices and buying cute decorations for our room next year! You can expect a nice, long email from me later today - I know I owe you one!
